$PRIZM вверх , все вниз. К чему этот пост вообще.

10 May 2022, 16:43
$PRIZM вверх 🔥, все вниз. К чему этот пост вообще? Все просто, вся крипта сильно просела, из топ 100 некоторые более 60% потеряли от капитализации всего за 7 дней. Нет гарантий что это не начало крипто-зимы о которой мы слышим уже более года. Для кого-то это потери, а для кого-то возможность сколотить капиталы. PRIZM не привязан ни к битку, ни к другой крипте, а значит мы стабильны. Поэтому пока все падает мы подымаем в ранге и увеличиваем ликвидность на биржах. Пришло время создать кошелек на wallet.prizm.space и научиться добывать монету в новом формате - Proof-of-Stake. Так же, готовы Вас порадовать нашими продвижениями и развитием PRIZM на канале Ваша команда - PRO Движение Prizm team.

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Ark Rivals
Ark RivalsARKN #2754
10 May 2022, 16:45
LET'S CHECK YOUR CURRENT DEFENSIVE WIN RATE, GENERALS! 👉 Check the data here: (The file is up to date on May 10, 2022) You can find your username or your id to see your current defensive win rate. 🎁 PRIZE STRUCTURE 1. Those who have a defensive win rate (DWR) over 40% will get + A pack of 4 beach chairs. 2. Those who have a DWR over 60% will get + A pack of 2 ice cream trucks. 📌 Just focus on building your base and keep your defense win rate (DWR) as high as possible during the contest to win rewards. DURATION: May 3 - June 3, 2022 **You can also track your DWR manually with the defense log. ———— ▶️ Join our communities 🌎 Website | Twitter | Telegram News | Facebook ▶️ Discuss Channels 🌎 TG Global | TG Vietnam | Discord #ArkRivals #Topebox #IronSail #Whydah #Kardiachain
LET'S CHECK YOUR CURRENT DEFENSIVE WIN RATE, GENERALS. Check the data here:. (The file is up to date on May 10, 2022).
LET'S CHECK YOUR CURRENT DEFENSIVE WIN RATE, GENERALS! 👉 Check the data here: https://bit.ly/37zMnEG (The file is up to date on May 10, 2022) You can find your username or your id to see your current defensive win rate. 🎁 PRIZE STRUCTURE 1. Those who have a defensive win rate (DWR) over 40% will get + A pack of 4 beach chairs. 2. Those who have a DWR over 60% will get + A pack of 2 ice cream trucks. 📌 Just focus on building your base and keep your defense win rate (DWR) as high as possible during the contest to win rewards. ⏳ DURATION: May 3 - June 3, 2022 **You can also track your DWR manually with the defense log. ———— ▶️ Join our communities 🌎 Website | Twitter | Telegram News | Facebook ▶️ Discuss Channels 🌎 TG Global | TG Vietnam | Discord #ArkRivals #Topebox #IronSail #Whydah #Kardiachain
Ark Rivals
Ark RivalsARKN #2754
10 May 2022, 16:45
LET'S CHECK YOUR CURRENT DEFENSIVE WIN RATE, GENERALS! 👉 Check the data here: (The file is up to date on May 10, 2022) You can find your username or your id to see your current defensive win rate. 🎁 PRIZE STRUCTURE 1. Those who have a defensive win rate (DWR) over 40% will get + A pack of 4 beach chairs. 2. Those who have a DWR over 60% will get + A pack of 2 ice cream trucks. 📌 Just focus on building your base and keep your defense win rate (DWR) as high as possible during the contest to win rewards. DURATION: May 3 - June 3, 2022 **You can also track your DWR manually with the defense log. ———— ▶️ Join our communities 🌎 Website | Twitter | Telegram News | Facebook ▶️ Discuss Channels 🌎 TG Global | TG Vietnam | Discord #ArkRivals #Topebox #IronSail #Whydah #Kardiachain
LET'S CHECK YOUR CURRENT DEFENSIVE WIN RATE, GENERALS. Check the data here:. (The file is up to date on May 10, 2022).
LET'S CHECK YOUR CURRENT DEFENSIVE WIN RATE, GENERALS! 👉 Check the data here: https://bit.ly/37zMnEG (The file is up to date on May 10, 2022) You can find your username or your id to see your current defensive win rate. 🎁 PRIZE STRUCTURE 1. Those who have a defensive win rate (DWR) over 40% will get + A pack of 4 beach chairs. 2. Those who have a DWR over 60% will get + A pack of 2 ice cream trucks. 📌 Just focus on building your base and keep your defense win rate (DWR) as high as possible during the contest to win rewards. ⏳ DURATION: May 3 - June 3, 2022 **You can also track your DWR manually with the defense log. ———— ▶️ Join our communities 🌎 Website | Twitter | Telegram News | Facebook ▶️ Discuss Channels 🌎 TG Global | TG Vietnam | Discord #ArkRivals #Topebox #IronSail #Whydah #Kardiachain